domingo, 6 de junio de 2010

Video with Roberto Begnini at a talk show on BBC2!

 Hi everyone!

 At this particular moment you must be more than nervous  or simply  on the point of a nervous break-down due to the finals. However, just  to  take those bad moments off your mind,  I just wanted to share with you all this hilarious video.

This is a very short video  where Roberto Begnini( the famous Italian actor) is being interviewed at a talk show on BBC 2 and where he struggles to explain( in  a terrible English) an incredible encounter he had with the Pope Benedict XVI.
It's hilarious and to be honest, I laughed my head off at this!

Hope you understand it and enjoy it as much as I did, ok?

miércoles, 26 de mayo de 2010

New Podcast: Robin Hood Legend

 Hi everyone!

Well.... this school year is   coming to an end by the minute, and so  is homework, so don't worry, I won't be pressing you anymore , right?

This is for my stressed out 2nd INT students.   Here below you have the link:

Hope you enjoy it!

martes, 18 de mayo de 2010

Podcast on the Loch Ness Monster

 Hi again!

Believe it or not, the current school year  seems to be  sliding  away through our fingers and the finals are just round the corner, aren't they?. Ok, I promise I won't send you over more homework in a couple of weeks, but in the meantime, please do it and make a final effort. It might be worth it!!

This is an audio file on the myth of the Loch Ness Monster. I guess you all know something about it, but let's see what new things you learn from it. Click here 

or copy and paste the following URL onto your address bar.

Have fun!

domingo, 9 de mayo de 2010

A brand-new Podcast on "Signs of the times"

Hi everyone!

Sorry about all this, but you should  listen  to audio files  as much as possible! For that reason, here you have a short Podcast on "Hollywood sign" which long time ago was about to be demolished,  but thanks to Hughes Hefner's investment( Managing Director for "PLAYBOY magazine),demolition of the sign was stopped. Either click here or copy and paste the URL below onto your address bar.

Hope you enjoy it!

miércoles, 5 de mayo de 2010

Podcast on "talking about your job"

 Hi everyone!

 I thought  it could be a good idea   for you to  listen to this podcast( audio file) about two people talking about their job and their company. You also have some comprehension questions I'd like you to answer too.

Click here to listen to the podcast or copy and paste the URL  below onto your address bar:

Hope you like it!
PS: Any comments  are welcome!

lunes, 3 de mayo de 2010

New Podcast on "Rainforests"

 Hi everyone!
It's ages since I last posted a podcast for you to listen. Well, time has come for me to post one! This is a podcast from the BBC world service from a listening series called "6-minute English ".

 Click here  or copy and paste the URL below onto your address bar.

Try to tell me what this podcast is all about   for the next class, ok?

hope you enjoy it!

martes, 20 de abril de 2010

Volcano ash cloud across Europe! Big chaos at airspace!!

As you have probably heard on the news, a huge volcanic ash cloud is  disrupting  a large number of flights across Europe. Here you have a piece of news from the BBC news website, where some correspondents from different European countries report  on the current situation in each country:

 Also I do suggest you to read  some of the stories  which some passengers  are still going through at some European airports:

 Said  that, first of all, I'd like you to spot  all "examples" of passive voice sentences  you find in every piece of news from the first link. Secondly, I kindly request you to choose one of the stories from the second link , read it and try to sort of memorise it so that you can retell it to  us next day in class.

Good luck!!