martes, 18 de mayo de 2010

Podcast on the Loch Ness Monster

 Hi again!

Believe it or not, the current school year  seems to be  sliding  away through our fingers and the finals are just round the corner, aren't they?. Ok, I promise I won't send you over more homework in a couple of weeks, but in the meantime, please do it and make a final effort. It might be worth it!!

This is an audio file on the myth of the Loch Ness Monster. I guess you all know something about it, but let's see what new things you learn from it. Click here 

or copy and paste the following URL onto your address bar.

Have fun!

2 comentarios:

  1. No demasiado dificil aunque en det momentos se agiliza el ritmo y uno puede perderse en el intento de saber sobre el Lake

  2. Buen listening y buen ritmo de habla aunq en det momentos toma vidilla y me pierdo en el Lake je. Hay q ponerse las pilas y escuchar este veranito de todo pa que el año q viene sea easy de llevar. SUERTE A TODOS CON LOS FINALES!!!
