martes, 20 de abril de 2010

Volcano ash cloud across Europe! Big chaos at airspace!!

As you have probably heard on the news, a huge volcanic ash cloud is  disrupting  a large number of flights across Europe. Here you have a piece of news from the BBC news website, where some correspondents from different European countries report  on the current situation in each country:

 Also I do suggest you to read  some of the stories  which some passengers  are still going through at some European airports:

 Said  that, first of all, I'd like you to spot  all "examples" of passive voice sentences  you find in every piece of news from the first link. Secondly, I kindly request you to choose one of the stories from the second link , read it and try to sort of memorise it so that you can retell it to  us next day in class.

Good luck!!

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